Cats and Rope...

Cats and Rope...

When you have five cats and work with rope….
We have five cats and I truly love them! And when I started with macrame, I soon discovered that I was not the only one, interested in rope… ;-)
Especially our most playful cat, Nala (recognise the name? Indeed, the love of Simba from the movie ‘The Lion King’ and yes, we also have a Simba :-) She loves to play and she lovest to play with rope as well, simply because it moves.

So do you like a challenge and have a cat? Simply start with macrame!
Of course I have a tip for you because although they are incredibly sweet, you most probably don't like it that much when they attack your work. So I always have a spare rope hanging for them to attach. I give it a swipe now and then so it moves and so far, this - most of the time ;-) - helps. 
And they are not allowed in the rope storage room when I am not there.

Jasper (my little son) also really likes them. They don't all like him back that much :-) Most of them run and hide when he is approaching. Except for Iza, she is actually always around and even let him pet her (for a moment that is ;-)

Our cats are all cats with a difficult history and come from the shelter. They all experienced some shit in the past. Nala grew up with drug addicts and thus only got food when there was money left as most of that went to drugs so she is still very keen on all food related things. Layla never saw a vet in her first year, due to that, has a serious eye infection and she was taken out of the house (from her first owner) because she was hooked up by her brother and had serious problems when in labor. Luna lived on the streets and people saw her walking in a strange way and with a kitten in her mouth. The animal ambulance picked her up; the kitten died on the way to the hospital and there was another, dead, kitten in her belly. It took month for her to get used to us and now she is my best friend. When she was four, she got very ill and it ended up she has a kidney disease so we were just in time but now, with medication and a diet, she is doing great. Simba, my former trainee, found on the street. Hiding under a car. She was not supposed to stay (we just saved her and tried to find her home but no one seemed to miss her) but she did anyway. She was too cute. And Iza, the youngest one, was found on the street and ended up in the shelter. It took one and a half year to get her to live in the same home as Layla because those two were fighting like hell. We tried everything, cat therapy etc. In the end t-touch did the trick (I can really recommend it if you have problems or an animal who is very afraid of the world). There is something wrong in her head and because of that, she has a funny walk and is sometimes a bit unpredictable but she is really sweet as well. 

Want to see more of my cats? Follow them here on their own Instagram page!

When you think you put your rope somewhere safe, high up there.... not!

Nala always love to play!

Iza found a perfect spot when I was making a macrame lampshade ;-)

When Iza came in, she had to get used to the other four in a room separate. We let them play together with some... ropes! 

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